Evaluation of the Family Advocacy and Support Services
Attorney-General’s Department
Project Director - Natalie Walker
Project Manager - Rivkah Nissim
Inside Policy was engaged by the Attorney-General’s Department to conduct a mixed-method outcomes evaluation of the Family Advocacy and Support Services (FASS). The FASS is an integrated duty lawyer and family violence support service program established in family law court registries under the Third Action Plan of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022.
For the evaluation, we undertook deep-dive visits to a sample of nine FASS sites around Australia where we conducted qualitative data collection activities including client surveys, service observations and semi-structured interviews with program staff and court personnel. We also analysed aggregate quantitative data from all 23 service locations.
The evaluation found the FASS was an effective and important program that filled a gap in service provision to family law clients and suggested a number of program enhancements and systemic changes to improve outcomes for vulnerable families.
For further information contact us directly here.